
Submit Tiket to Nuffnang | Getting More Earning on CPUV

by - January 05, 2015

5th January 2015

Submit Tiket to Nuffnang | Getting More Earning on CPUV

This entry is all about Nuffnang and Nuffnang again. Even there are so many advertiser and competitors out there, I think I'm that kind of a loyal person. I have been with Nuffnang since I start blogging on 2011 if I'm not mistaken. Being Glitterati member after a year blogging and start getting the CPUV campaign after 1 and a half year since I sign-up with Nuffnang. That was a moment that I cherish. Thank you for being aware of my presence. 

But recently, there are so many blog out there and the competition on getting more campaign and more earning is slightly a crucial. *For me lah. Because I happen to notice that my earning is quite low and it's very pitiful. The average earning for a campaign is around RM1. Only. This is true and this is serious. I'm kind of greedy right. Duh-whatever. Hehe.  

submit ticket nuffnang

This little things worries me and keep bothering me. So then, I send a Ticket to Nuffnang. People said, when you have any worries, then ASK. For those who are beginner like me, sending a Ticket to Nuffnang is a Good Idea to answer all those question. Just go to your Nuffnang account, at the bottom of Nuffnang page, there is a Contact Us's link. Click there and Submit Ticket.  

ticket Nuffnang

Here we go, the Subject : Getting More Earning on CPUV

Nampak tak greedy tu. Actually I'm kind of jealous when I happen to read blogger's entry showing that they managed to get up to RM10 for each campaign. Yes I know that was their 'rezeki', tak baik nak 'cemburu' kan. But this is kind of spirit to me too, to keep on writing and blogging so that I can earn more like them. I think the first step to achieve it by dropping and blogging more, and leave a bucket of comments to others blogger. So that others recognize me and like to visit my blog too.

Here we go, the question that I ask and the answer by Nuffnang's team. Hope other can get benefit too from the tips given.

tips getting earning from nuffnang

tips getting earning from nuffnang

The suggestion : Boosting your visitor's count as the higher number of visitors, the higher you'll get paid when your blog is selected for campaigns!

Hope it will help others too.
Ahha, ada yang perasan tak, Entry ni banyak perkataan English lah. Oppss..
Thank you for the visit.

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5 Comment

  1. hhehee ni ni iols datang melawat ni ^^

  2. Wah CPUV kamu dapt. Congratulation to you Norshafirah. Good luck.

  3. CPUV saya pun selalu tak banyak sebab saya memang tak ramai visitors.

  4. ohmy... entri english la pulak... hahaha

  5. saya baru belajar berblog..kurang kefahaman pasal nuffnang ni.. -_-


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